An SRV record, which is short for Service record, is a DNS entry employed to identify the servers that run a certain service for a domain name. Quite simply, you can use your Internet domain not only for an Internet site, but also for an instant messaging server, a video streaming host or a Voice-Over-IP server, as an example, while you still have an Internet site with it. Whenever you set up the SRV record, you may choose what IP it will use, on which port the connection to the specific server is going to be established in addition to the priority and the weight of the record in case that there are several SRV records for the exact same service. The second option will allow you to use different machines for load balancing and redundancy. With this type of DNS records, you may use the same domain address for various purposes and even with different providers if the same one can't provide all services that you need.
SRV Records in Cloud Hosting
You're going to be able to set up a completely new SRV record for any of the domain addresses you host inside a shared website hosting account on our innovative cloud platform. Provided that the DNS records for the domain name are handled on our end, you will be able to manage them without difficulty via the respective section of your Hepsia CP and minutes later any new record you create will be active. Hepsia comes with a very user-friendly interface and all it requires to set up an SRV record is to fill in a few text boxes - the service the record is going to be used for, the Internet protocol plus the port number. The priority (1-100), weight (1-100) and TTL boxes have default values, which you could leave except if the other provider needs different ones. TTL stands short for Time To Live and this number indicates the time in seconds for the record to be active if you modify it or erase it at some point, the standard one being 3600.
SRV Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Because we recognize how irritating it may be to handle DNS records, we'll give you an easy-to-use DNS management instrument as part of our custom Hepsia Control Panel, so when you host your domains within a semi-dedicated server account from us, you're going to be able to create an SRV record without troubles. We have a step-by-step guide, that will make things that much easier. Using an intuitive interface, you will need to type in the details that the other company has provided you with - protocol, port number and service. Unless they have given you specific instructions to change the priority and the weight values, you could leave these two options as they are and your brand new record will go live in a matter of minutes. The Time To Live option (TTL) may also be set to a custom value, but usually the standard value of 3600 seconds is used for almost all records. This value indicates the time the record will continue existing after it is modified or removed.