When your hosting service provider provides live chat support, you will be able to talk with an agent in real-time and learn useful information or get a problem resolved promptly. The advantage of using chat instead of calling to talk to a live person is that you need just a computer with access to the world wide web, therefore you will not pay any charges if you're in another country or state. Furthermore, it'll be a lot quicker to copy and paste data for instance domain names, usernames or error messages i.e. details which are sometimes difficult to give to the other party over the phone. The real-time chat is also a faster option to contact the website hosting company's support team in comparison to using a ticketing system. Last, but not least, in the event that some problem requires a bit more time to be resolved, you are able to do something else while you wait for guidance on the live chat, so that you won't lose time - something that's not possible when you are on the phone.
Live Chat Support in Cloud Hosting
We supply a live chat assistance service for all Linux cloud hosting that we offer and we can help you with almost everything in real time. If you do not have an account with us yet, we're able to give you more details about the packages to help you to select the most appropriate package. In case you are a current client, we're able to assist you with any general or billing issue and also with lots of common technical issues, for instance an e-mail address installation in a desktop email client. If you are unable to phone us for some reason or you're in a country where we do not have a local phone number, the live chat is the best option to get in touch with us. Certainly, some matters need extra time to examine and test, therefore you will have to open a support ticket to our technicians, however, we will save your time and help you with lots of issues on the chat.
Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you use the live chat support service that we supply with all of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, you'll be able to find the answers for any questions you have or have a lot of issues taken care of right away. Our service is available each and every day, thus you're able to speak to an agent even on holidays and weekends. In case you're unsure which package would be better for your web sites or if our innovative cloud hosting platform matches some system requirements, you can come on the live chat prior to purchasing anything. In case you are a present customer, you will be able to obtain more information about billing issues, account settings and a variety of common tech issues you may have, for instance if you cannot install an email account in a client on your personal computer. Our live chat can save you a considerable amount of time no matter where you are or when you get in touch with us.